Revelation was a DREAM that John had. Probably he was under the influence of a hallucinogen when he had that dream. The whole book of Revelation is a fevered fantasy. And remember that some scholars don't even believe Revelation should have made the final canonical cut to be included in the Bible!
Armageddon is a spiritual event, not an actual place of war. Try reading the book as if it were allegorical, without any prophetic mumbo-jumbo. It makes a lot more 'sense' when viewed that way. It is a lot less scary when you keep it in its context.
That fear is the biggest meanest chain the Society uses to shackle the hearts and minds of its slaves. As you keep studying and learning, the fear will probably be replaced with righteous anger that you were held in those shackles unnecessarily just so you could help make money for a publishing house.
Don't worry, though, there is lots of help to recover, both from the fear, and from the rage that may replace it.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to read every commentary and discussion you can find about the Bible in general and Revelation in particular.
Remember that JWs DON'T teach the Bible, they teach the Society's interpretation of the Bible. Do yourself the courtesy of finding out what many other sources have to say about it. How do you know what to believe if you don't genuinely check out all available information?
Welcome out of the Dark Tower's shadow and into the light of personal responsibility. It can be scary but OOOH! It's exhilarating to find out you can indeed think clearly and make choices NOT based on fear or guilt!